'truly amazing...'
Hi, I am writing from Don't Forget Us...Pet Us farm animal sanctuary. We just very recently purchased one round bale slow feed hay net to "try". If you recall I may have mentioned I have an almost 30 year old, chronic wind sucker who has recently and although gradual has lost all his vision. We have seen the stress of the vision loss increase his wind sucking, anxiety etc. He's also prone to choke so miracle collar, cribbing straps are not idea for him. We have made accommodations for him trying to ensure that he has the best quality of life possible. Yet...we still questioned the winter. I opted to try the slow feed net on the round bale. See if he could munch away his days without going through a ton of hay or him gaining any more weight. Now it's been less than a week BUT the difference I have seen in this horse is truly amazing! He's much calmer. He parks himself at the round instead of the fence line wind sucking. Even when he had the round bale without the net. He would feast until full then spend hours wind sucking. He has had the same "buddy" for many years. He used to ear pin and get a little aggressive around the round bale, now they munch together in harmony. It reduces his boredom as he can no longer be put out back in the small fields. He also in the last 6 months started coughing a bit while eating. This has been nearly eliminated with the slow feed net. I just wanted to thank you again...this horse I have owned since he was 2. He means the world to me and I will be heading into this winter feeling much more confident he will get through it much happier because of your slow feed net!

Love your product!
I live in NE Wyoming and love your slow bale buddy. I have three horses who use them and it has made a big difference in their consumption of hay. I am attaching a picture of my mare, I think you will find it funny as it shows the durability of the construction.
Thanks for making a great product.....
Toni Kawulok
Gillette WY

'received my hay nets in 25 hours.."
I received my hay nets in 25 hours from the time I ordered them yesterday. Our Friesians are now happily munching hay from them very happy so far.
Thanks Lloyd Pibus

'I just about fell over!'
Well, just thought I’d report on the slow bale buddy I just received last week and put out for our Miniature horses. It’s been out since Sunday, November 4th. Had 8 mares on it so I got all the youngsters into a corral out of the north end of the pasture. They had a huge pile of loose hay that I had just put out. Good stuff for the youngsters…… After I dismantled the electric fencing, the 7 mares went rushing over to see/eat off this new hay pile. Good eating, bit of alfalfa in the hay. Not enough to be a worry. Figured they would do that….little MINI piggies! Went and did my other chores and headed inside about 10 am. Been snowing and freezing rain since 9 am. Just love Alberta!
Well, I looked out around noon and I just about fell over! Here the 7 mares were back at the bale buddy, contently eating away at it and ignoring the pile of hay I had put out for the youngsters. There was lots left in that pile! So, I think they like the bale buddy. They don’t rush me when I go out 2X’s a day to check on them and they seem a lot more content and happy. NO panic in their eyes, no fighting amongst themselves.
They sure save a lot of work, there is NO waste and the horses are so much more at ease. They can eat when they want and I know they’re not over eating. It will be interesting to see how long a round bale will last now. And of course, I’ll be watching their weight.
Another reason I like it is that when I fork the hay to them, I know for a fact that I’m overfeeding! Not good for them and my wallet.
Another very happy customer!
Bonnie Hetherington
Wander West Miniature Horses

'a blessing like you can't imagine.'
I LOVE THESE FEEDERS! WOW! They have extended the hay so wonderfully and being a rescue every extra day of not spending money on extra hay is a blessing like you just can't imagine. The Bale Buddys were nice. They did keep some of the hay from being wasted but did not seem to slow down the piggy horses from just standing and gorging on hay. The Slow Feeder net is out of this world! I love it, love it love it. It is time to put our more feeding stations as the real cold has finally settled in here. Our overweight halflinger was really ticked off we finally found a way to slow him down but it is so much better for him. If you have a mini feeder net I would use it for him in the summer as he must be in a dry lot.............Cushings, poor boy no grazing for him.
Shannon Hahn
Argyle,NY (518) 638-6929
My sister and I recently purchased two of your Slow Bale Buddys at the end of August. We are extremely pleased with them and let everyone we know with horses the huge difference they make in hay usage. As such we would like to purchase two more. Soutars' Highland Farm
I love your product (the Slow Bale Buddy) and it saves us tons I mean TONS of Hay.
Rich Ferguson, Kokomo, Indiana

“Even with a round bale feeder, my Old Ladies here at Duchess Sanctuary made a big mess and wasted their hay. NOT ANY MORE. The "Slow Bale Buddy" net fits over the bale inside the feeder. We've been using it for over a month and the mess is practically nothing. With the price of hay, it will probably pay for itself in another couple of months. They can still eat as you can see, they just have to work a little harder at it. Thank you. Jennifer Kunz Ranch Manager Duchess Sanctuary 1515 Shady Oaks Lane Oakland,OR 97462 fundforanimals.org/duchess-sanctuary
I thought I would send along a few photos that capture just how safe the bale buddies (Both) are! My appaloosa, Star, always has her foot in her food. These were taken today of Star with her leg/hoof right in the Big Bale Buddy, standing on the Slow Bale Buddy. She had both there at one point today too, but I was too slow in getting my camera out when I noticed. I just wanted to thank you again for creating and having available such a SAFE product for these types of horses. None of our horses are shod by the way. :) I keep posting on one of the online horse forums I go to on how much I love these things. Thanks again!! We'll be putting in another order for a second Slow Bale Buddy in the new year! Ryemeer Farms

Saves me a fortune
Cindy Johnson Just got ours and they are munching away..
Tracey La Fortune Derosbie I started using this last year and LOVE it. I use it for our ponies and no one has been hurt or damaged it....it's still like new. You "can't" use it with horses wearing halters or shoes for obvious reasons.

'very happy horses'
Sandy McBride I’ve been feeding with a net for the last ten years. What u get is very happy horses cause they can eat 24/7, very little waste and no hay bellies. Never had teeth issues. U can get bigger hole sizes as well. They all learn to eat from it. It is worth the money and no major clean up after every roll.