Big Bale Buddy QUESTIONS

How long will the Big Bale Buddy last?
A. This unique concept in large round bale feeders is made with a tough, durable, rot and stain resistant, 1500 denier, woven polypropylene with 1200 hours of UV protection. The thread used to sew the seams and the elastic are also polypropylene. Polypropylene is a very tough durable plastic, hooves and horns will not hurt it, its only natural enemy is the sun. If left out in the sun year round, the Big Bale Buddy will last at least 2 years. If it is used under a shelter or in the shade or only in the winter months it will last much longer.
Is there any kind of warranty with this product?
A. We will replace the Big Bale Buddy if it rips in the first year under normal use (the feeding of round bales to livestock). If this should happen please contact us directly for replacement.
How do you use the Big Bale Buddy?
A. Stand the bale on a flat end and remove all strings and bindings from the bale. Then hook the elastic opening over the top edge of the bale all the way around. Next, tug the bag down evenly all the way around the bale until it is completely covered. Then flip the bale over onto its other flat end and tug the elastic up over the edge all the way around so that is pulling in evenly toward the center of the bale. Your hay is now ready to feed. If your bale is loosely rolled and tends to fall apart when the strings are removed, the strings can be cut and taken off as you pull the Big Bale Buddy down. If you are having trouble getting your Bale Buddy on some hay can be removed from the outside of the bale and stuffed into the top after the feeder is on the bale.
I do not presently use a round bale feeder because I am afraid that my horse will get hurt. Is the Big Bale Buddy safe?
A. Yes. The Big Bale Buddy has been on the Market since fall of 2006 and has a 100% safety record. There is no risk of leg or neck injury and it will not rub away the mane like some rigid feeders.
What happens to the hay in the Big Bale Buddy if it rains?
A. Any rain that hits the sides of the Big Bale Buddy will simply shed off. Water will still enter the hay through the opening at the top of the feeder. However, since this is the hay that gets eaten first, it is rarely a problem. If you are using the Bale Buddy during prolonged hot, wet weather, the hay should be checked periodically for quality. A run in shelter is excellent protection for both your live stock and your hay. if this is impractical, the Big Bale Buddy may be turned on its side to protect the hay during excessive wet weather.
What if my animals are to short too reach the top of the bale?
A. Simply fold down the top of the bag so that the elastic is gripping the sides of the bale and the top edge of the bale is exposed. Alternately, the Big Bale buddy may be laid on its side until some of the bale is eaten.
How much Hay will the Big Bale Buddy save me?
A. Using the Big Bale Buddy will ensure that almost all your hay gets eaten. In comparison, when feeding large round bales without a feeder, up to one third of the bale is wasted.
How many animals can effectively eat out of the Big Bale Buddy?
A. It is best to have a feeder available for every 4 or 5 animals you are feeding.
My horses have made a small hole in my Big Bale Buddy, is there any way to patch it?
A. A simple and effective solution is to cover the hole on both sides with duct tape. Alternatively you can take it to an upholstery or boat top repair place and have a patch sewn on. If it has been less than a year since you purchased your Big Bale Buddy, please contact us for a free replacement.
I have difficultly putting the Big Bale Buddy on by myself as the elastic pops off one side before I can get it hooked over the bale all the way around. Is there any way to make this job easier?
A. Tie a ribbon around a tent peg and drive it into the bale about four inches down from the top, then hook your elastic over the peg and begin walking around the bale hooking the elastic down as you go. The tent peg will keep the elastic from popping off before you get it over the bale all the way around. The ribbon will make it easy to find the tent peg so you can remove it before you pull the bag down the rest of the way.
We found the Big Bale Buddy quite difficult to put on the first couple of times. Is there any way this job could have been made easier?
A. If your Big Bale Buddy is at the top end for your size it may be difficult to put on. Before using the Big Bale Buddy for the first time, It helps to give it a good stretch. If two people are available, one person can grab each side of the elastic top opening and pull, as if you are having a tug of war. If doing it alone, a good option is to hook the elastic top opening over a fence post and give it a good stretch that way.
What is the difference in hay saving between the Big Bale Buddy and the Slow Bale buddy?
A. Here is a comparison between the two feeders done by Dutch Hollow Acres:
600 lbs Round Bale Verses 3 Hungry Horses.
Bale fed with no netting (in Big Bale Buddy)
1 bale lasted 7 days
86 lbs per day
29 lbs per horse per day
Bale fed with slow feed netting (in Slow Bale Buddy)
1 bale lasted 10 days
60 lbs per day
20 lbs per horse per day
for more information contact us
If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please send us your question toinfo@bigbalebuddy.com call us toll free at 866.389.9952
Slow Bale Buddy QUESTIONS

How do you put the bale in the Slow Bale Buddy?
If you move your round bales by hand, the Slow Bale Buddy is pulled over the bale until it is completely covered. The bale is then rolled over until the sides of the top opening can be pulled together, completely enclosing the hay in the bag. Unscrew one end of the safety fastener and starting at one end of the opening, thread the fastener through both layers of netting passing through every third set of holes until you reach the other end of the opening. Screw the end of the fastener back on and your hay is ready to feed. Please note:There is a green X on the center bottom of the bag. when you put the slow feeder over your bale the top opening will be exactly opposite the green X. If you are feeding large squares the flakes can be loaded into the Slow Bale Buddy to the desired fullness, or the net bag can be pulled over the bale while it is raised for transportation. If feeding small squares or loose hay load the desired amount into the slow feeder and close as above.
Is the Slow Bale Buddy safe?
As with the Big Bale Buddy, great care has been taken to ensure that this product is safe for use with your animals. Because the holes in the netting are small (1 1/2 inches) there is nothing on a natural horse that can go through or get caught in the netting. The safety fastener is made out of extremely strong HPDE plastic with round edges. If using horse equipment with buckles or snaps, care must be taken to ensure that they do not get caught in the netting. This can be prevented by wrapping the buckle and strap in masking tape so that the buckle is completely covered and secured to the strap.
*Please note: This slow feeder is not recommended for use with shod horses unless it is used inside of another feeder as the heel of the horseshoe can get caught in the netting, resulting in a pulled horseshoe or injury to the animal. Also, it should not be used with horned animals as the horns may get caught in the netting and cause injury.
Is there a warranty on the Slow Bale Buddy?
We do not replace Slow Bale Buddy's that occasionally develop a small hole as these are easily repaired and do not affect the functionality of the feeder. However if your Slow Bale Buddy has more than 16 broken strands of netting within the first year, please contact us directly and we will replace it for you.
How Long will the Slow Bale Buddy last?
The Slow Bale Buddy is made of 100% nylon, and is heat shrunk to ensure a tight durable weave. Nylon is naturally rot, stain and UV resistant as well as being incredibly strong. All the seams are double serged and then bound and reinforced with double stitched, nylon binding. The safety fastener is made with tough HPDE plastic and can withstand 5000 pounds of pressure. If small holes are repaired promptly, it should last at least 3 to 5 years with continuous use.
What is the difference in hay savings between the Slow Bale buddy and the Big Bale Buddy?
600 lbs Round Bale Verses 3 Hungry Horses.
Bale fed with no netting (in Big Bale Buddy)
1 bale lasted 7 days
86 lbs per day
29 lbs per horse per day
Bale fed with slow feed netting (in Slow bale Buddy)
1 bale lasted 10 days
60 lbs per day
20 lbs per horse per day
(Thank you to Lindsay of Dutch Hollow Acres for this comparison.)
Our bales come in different sizes, can we use a larger Slow Bale Buddy on a Smaller Bale?
Yes, the weight of the netting will pull the extra netting down so that it pools around the base of the bale and stays open over the hay. The extra netting can also be taken in a bit by putting the fastener in lower down on the feeder.
Can the Slow Bale Buddy be used in conjunction with the Big Bale Buddy?
Yes, many of our customers use them together to help protect the hay from the weather. When using the two feeders together hay consumption is slowed down still further, making this a good option for very heavy or overweight horses. It is recommended that the Slow Bale Buddy be put on over top of the Big Bale Buddy, both for ease of installation and also so that the hay remains accessible to the animals at all times. If the Big Bale Buddy is on the outside, the net will bunch up inside the feeder as the bale gets eaten making it very difficult for the animals to access the hay.
How do I repair small holes in my Slow Feeder?
To repair a hole, put both sides of the tear together and tie a double knot at each junction of the netting with strong twine until the hole is closed. (Binder twine works well for this and is always close at hand.)
Can the Slow Bale Buddy be used for other livestock besides horses?
Yes the Slow Bale Buddy can be used for all livestock providing they do not have horns. It is recommended that a rope be tied from the top of the feeder to an overhead support (branch, beam) and adjusted daily so that the slack is taken out when feeding goats and sheep so that they do not climb on the feeder.
for more information contact us
If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please send us your question to info@bigbalebuddy.com or call us toll free at 866.389.9952